About Shaolin Hung Mei Kung Fu
Testimonials and Affiliations
I just wanted to drop you a quick note to thank you for teaching Ava and myself... I apologize profusely for not stopping in to tell you we were moving. At any rate, Ava is such a gentle and reserved child, I thought there was no way she would want to do Kung Fu, and instead she absolutely loves it. I asked her what she wanted in a school out here and she responded, “I just want a place like Hung Mei.”
Unfortunately, I think it’s going to be really hard to find somewhere that offers everything you do at the school. We’ve gone to several places and Ava has noticed things like, “They’re not making their fists right!”
It’s obvious the time she spent at Hung Mei had a profound effect on her, and I’m grateful for the time you spent with her.
Thanks for everything,
Nathan Bamford (also a student) for his 8-year-old daughter, Ava
I have to tell you how pleased I was with your school and your methodology of teaching the history of Kung Fu. I was beyond impressed... You and your students are amazing. I sat in silence and in awe.
Lucie Tran (written after having observed a training session)After visiting some other schools, both kung fu and other martial arts, it has become clear to me that your school would fit me best. I really liked the depth and breadth of martial training available, as well as your enthusiasm for your teachings.
Michael Detweiler (Student)Hello, this is Rob Putman, the Choy Lay Fut practitioner you were gracious enough to let me sit in on your class tonight. ... I was *very* impressed with your organization. I think very highly of your traditional roots and that you intend to keep it that way at your school. The multidimensional aspect of your organization sharing Chinese culture through many means is something that I find very commendable as well.
Rob Putman (practitioner of Choy Lay Fut Kung Fu)I've always felt that the greatest lesson I've learned as a SHMKF student, as your student, is that what we do in class (what I relate as the concepts in the article, the kung fu) can be successfully applied to every area of my life. I proudly wear a tattoo of the characters "Kung Fu" for that reason, in the color and form of our school logo, to remind me of that principle and share it with others.
Dave Spielman (Student)As an instructor, I chose the Academy for their final exam [final exam given to the students of the Tai Chi class which is part of the curriculum at the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Denver, CO] because of the facility’s dedication to promoting traditional Chinese culture and martial arts in a classical fashion. I wanted to give the students a chance to see what real world individuals are doing to promote martial arts and offer the possibility for them to continue training in a place where internal and external cultivation are taken very seriously.
Shifu Solow is one of the true luminaries in the martial arts community of Boulder.
Stephen HarmsTeacher of Tai Chi at the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine... Chose SHMKF’s Academy of Chinese Martial and Cultural Arts as the preferred location for his final exam in Tai Chi
Originally, I was eager to learn about the history and lessons behind this traditional Chinese martial art. When I first met Shifu at one of his lessons, I realized that in order to immerse myself in a culture I had such little knowledge of, I would actually have to be an active participant in the classes. I learned that SHMKF is far more than just a series of fancy punches, flying kicks and acrobatic stunts strung together. Instead, there are lessons to be learned that extend far beyond the practice floors. In all honesty, I was surprised at how much I learned in such a short duration. From the most mundane breathing exercises to the excitement of strikes and blocks, each had its critical place in the SHMKF world. Furthermore, many, if not all, of the practices had real-life applications that Shifu would allude to. As an incoming cadet at West Point’s Military Academy, I am glad that I had this opportunity. Although I was only able to attend practices for two weeks, I felt that I had built a strong enough base to enter the academy with. I can’t express nor do justice in saying how much SHMKF meant to me during that short time. There is a wonderful supporting cast at SHMKF who is always there whenever assistance, advice or critique is needed. Perhaps, my sudden epiphany on the last day at SHMKF summarizes my experience the best. I realized that I was no longer simply learning about ancient Chinese tradition and history; I was becoming a part of it.
Brian TsienThank you so much for everything. Thanks for fitting me in your schedule and training. I’m glad you believed in me and because of that your training helped me through a summer of adversity. Thanks to your exercises I was able to stay in shape while sick and with broken bones. With only one month of ski training before the biggest competition of the year, I was able to be the top American on the final day of competition...
Erik LynchMember of the U.S. Olympic Ski Jump Team
The Shaolin monks, who practiced martial arts at their Monastery in Henan, China 1500 years ago, could not have imagined that their “Kung Fu” skills will one day be taught by a “Shifu” (master/teacher) in the university town of Boulder, Colorado some 10,000 miles away. I would like to commend you for injecting excitement and color into the multicultural activities of the local counties and townships. Your Lion Dance and Kung Fu performances have become a major attraction in the City of Longmont. Your efforts have been fruitful and very much appreciated.
Rita Liu,Founder of Asian-Pacific Association of Longmont (A-PAL)
Your group’s performances are an excellent way to foster understanding of Asian, particularly Chinese, culture and traditions… Your commitment to rituals and traditions helps to pass on culture and traditions to the younger generation.
Sue BramleyMarketing Events Manager, International Channel
In a few short years, SHMKFA has become an integral part of the Asian Pacific American culture of the state of Colorado... I believe that SHMKFA is one significant pathway for the Chinese community to learn about, preserve and pass on the Chinese culture and heritage.
Ding Wen HsuPresident, Executive Committee, Chinese American Council of Colorado, Denver
Your support and participation has made the festival more exciting and was greatly appreciated by the celebration committee, the Asian Pacific American communities and myself.
Huiliang LiuChair of the 2004 Chinese New Year Celebration Committee
- Academy of Chinese Martial and Cultural Arts Founders
- Scientific & Cultural Facilities District
- Chief Eastern United States Kung Fu Association Founding Member
- United Kung Fu Federation of North America Permanent Board Member
- Organization of Chinese Americans, Denver Branch Board Member
- Chinese Student & Scholar Association University of Colorado, Boulder
- Bohua Chinese Language School Boulder, Colorado
- Shaolin Hung Mei Kung Fu Association
- John Hsu
- Li Congming
- Yun Lin
- Mark Feuer
- Cindy Hunter

- Scientific & Cultural Facilities Disctrict
- IBM Corporation
- Holland & Hart LLP
- Gu Feng Tai Chi Club
- Bohua Chinese School
- The Petritz Family Fund at the Pikes Peak Community Foundation