In SHMKF, advancing levels of study are indicated by sash colors: red, yellow, blue, white, and black. In contrast to many established martial arts systems, in SHMKF the white color is indicative of a high level of skill. It is at this level that the practitioner displays a deep understanding of “soft” or internal power requiring great awareness and integration of subtle forces. Many years of study and dedication to the practice are required before developing the ability to effectively execute internal technique.
While we recognize the benefits of a visible structure or hierarchy within the class, our culture de-emphasizes the drive to equate sash levels with skill and knowledge. Integrating the wisdom of authentic Kung Fu requires an investment of time and energy. Students need to be emotionally, spiritually and intellectually present during training and not be distracted by a possible future event. As a result, we hold tests infrequently. Rather, the students are taught according to their grasp of the material. Once they exhibit a level of understanding appropriate to their present state of learning, they will be introduced to new material regardless of sash level. When we do test, the student is evaluated based upon the total knowledge and skill gained. If he or she has practiced with diligence and determination, the student may be eligible to skip levels. The Shaolin Hung Mei culture teaches us that the skill, knowledge and character developed by the student are critical factors in becoming an accomplished practitioner.